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Blacktown Band was born in the summer of 2016 with the commitment to appear in a tribute album to Pink Floyd through the Versailles Records label, a relationship that Alejandro Hervás brings with him from his former Quatermoc band.
It is not until the beginning of 2020 and with some band changes when they decide to register new songs with the intention of releasing their first LP, simply called I (ONE).
Currently the band is made up of three fixed members that are the central core of composition.For studio recording they have the collaboration of great friends who are not part active band.
The sound ranges from Pink Floyd-style melodies to powerful songs with 70's classic rock sounds with stoner sparkles.
Alejandro Hervás on bass, who has also been in charge of mixing and producing the songs. It is the fifth album by Alejandro, who has gone through bands like Leyenda, Monterrey, Quatermoc, Not Too Late and some more bands as session musician, touring various times through national territory with gangs like Pignoise and Ladrones.
The incredible voice of Nina Agudo has been cultivated in different venues of the national territory to now in Blacktown unleash her strength.
Esteban Rabadán, conservatory keyboardist, has been through different bands in the Cantabrian territory playing all kinds of styles.
Markus Tautz German multi instrumentalist who has collaborated in the recording of some guitars from the album. It brings a new and renewed air, with a sound more typical of the stoner and sounds alternative that mixes perfectly with the most classic style of the band. Markus regularly plays and tours the European continent with his lead band
Emiliano Fiori: Professional drummer with his own studio, where he has recorded all the drums of the album.
The intention of the group is to make their compositions known in an increasingly difficult market and in constant evolution. We intend to publish songs from time to time, since
We have the advantage of being able to record easily, trying to give visibility through lists of
reproductions, specialized media and advertising on social networks all these songs.